

Student Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy


Through the generosity of the voters of Seattle, SPS has enough devices for every SPS student.  SPS strongly recommends that a student requests a district-supplied device for various reasons.  The district centrally manages updates and provides a consistent security posture across district devices. Applications supported by the district undergo thorough testing on supported device 模型s. 另外, the district wireless network has been optimized for a high-density environment and works best with a SPS-supplied district device.  The network connectivity provided to BYOD devices is best-effort only, and not optimized for large-scale usage due to the variability introduced by BYOD.

The Seattle Public School (SPS) BYOD policy allows 高中生 to use their personal devices at school or during online learning. To be compatible with classroom or online learning, the device must be able to connect to the  十大正规网赌软件 SPS-Username Wi-Fi network. Students will use their devices in the classroom or online learning to access and save information from the Internet, 与其他学习者合作, 并利用生产力工具, 比如OneDrive, 这些都是他们可以得到的.



What grades levels may a student bring their own device?



设备 that are acceptable for this BYOD include devices with the following minimum specifications:

  • 处理器-双核@2.4 GHz (i5, or i7 Intel processor or equivalent AMD)
  • 8 gb RAM
  • Hard Drive – 320GB 5400RPM hard drive or 240 GB for Solid State Drives
  • 双频无线交流(802.(需要WPA2-Enterprise支持)

How do students connect their own laptop or device to school Wi-Fi?


Students must connect to the SPS-Username network. 学生不应该 use personal hotspots while in district buildings.

Is it mandatory for students to use a BYOD device in school?

参与BYOD是 可选. All students should be issued a District device; however those who choose not to use their District device may have less than optimal network connectivity and will need to use their District-provided device when district technology is required– for example, SBAC测试, if unable to complete on a personal device.

Will students be able to access inappropriate content?

BYOD will allow students access to the school’s or SPS-Username network. The network is filtered to block access to inappropriate content. 然而,没有一个过滤系统是完美的. If students inadvertently access unsuitable content, they should inform their classroom or online learning teacher immediately. Any intentional attempt to circumvent the network filter is a violation of the district’s network use agreement.

What happens when my child’s device battery dies?

就像学校发放的设备一样, your child is responsible for having their device charged for school or online learning each day. 如果你孩子的设备电池没电了, it is recommended that the student have access to a charger while in a classroom or online learning sessions.

What if my child’s device is 偷来的 or damaged?

Students using electronic devices at school or using them during online learning do so at their own risk, 就像其他私人物品一样. The school or SPS will not be held responsible if an electronic device or other item is lost, 偷来的, 损坏或放错地方. If school is physically in session, please contact school staff if your student’s device is 偷来的. It is advised that you label the device and record device details such as make, 模型, 序列号, 安装跟踪软件, 如果可用.

What if a student doesn’t have the resources to purchase a device for school or online learning?

Using a device for personal use is 可选. Students not opting to use a personal device can use a school district or SPS issued device. Students may have access to a district or SPS loaner device in the event their device is unavailable for a short period.

Will my child have access to technical support while at school?

Your child should  be familiar with how to use their device. Instructions will be available to explain how to access the SPS-Username network. 然而, school or SPS personnel will not troubleshoot hardware, 软件, 或者个人设备上的网络问题.

Will my child’s device be confiscated if it is being used inappropriately?

是的,在学校上课的时候. If there is suspicion of inappropriate content or misuse, School Board policy and the student handbook policies will be followed by the school administration, which can include confiscating and searching a device. 用于在线学习, the Principal or Teacher will determine if the student can continue schooling with their current device, 根据犯罪的严重程度.

When can students use their devices at schools or for online learning?

A device must be used for educational purposes under the direction and supervision of school personnel.  Usage is based on the discretion of the teacher and is not guaranteed in every class period.